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Monday, April 5, 2010

It’s Monday, Thank God For Coffee!

It’s Monday, and Easter is over.  Back to the daily grind.  The good news?  I’m back on coffee.  And I’m loving every minute of it. 

Last week, I met a woman at a business meeting who announced she had given up Starbucks for Lent.  After the meeting, I approached her and said, I feel your pain!  We instantly bonded.  We talked about the addiction, the withdrawal headaches, the constant temptation.  We both missed the aroma, the boost, and even the employees who make our coffee and greet us every morning.

She explained to me that she gave up Starbucks to be more intentional about her life – to break her routine.  Every morning, without even thinking about it, she would robotically drop $3.  Morning coffee had become a ritual, something she needed to function.  Could she live without it?

I realize coffee is a luxury.  And I enjoy it now more than ever.  (In fact, in celebration of my return to coffee, I’m going give away a Starbucks gift card on the blog this Friday!)  Yes, coffee is back in my routine with a bang (and a buzz).  But like my new friend who gave up Starbucks for Lent, I want to be intentional about my routines.

As you settle into your routines this week, give some thought to being intentional.  Do you control your routines, or do your routines control you?

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