You’re not alone.
An old friend I’ll call “Kate” stopped over last weekend. I could tell she was upset. Things at home were going well, her practice was booming, and she looked great. So, what was the problem?
“No one in my church likes me!” she exclaimed. “I just don’t fit in.”
Kate is a brilliant physician. Like me, she has three young kids and a husband who frequently holds down the fort. Like me, she probably works too much. And like me, she’s had a hard time figuring out her place in the church.
Kate doesn’t have time for weekly Bible studies. She’s not involved in after-school activities. She doesn’t help with carpool or put together prayer chains. And she feels like her peers in the church have written her off – that she doesn’t have anything to contribute.
But Kate has much to contribute.
She spearheads cutting-edge medical research. She interacts with the public and influences families regarding their health care choices. She loves Jesus, and she’s raising her children to do the same. She just needs some help in the process. She needs people who will come along side her, accept her for who she is, and welcome her into community.
Don’t give up on the church Kate! The church needs you. And you need the church.
Maybe you know a Kate. Maybe you’re like Kate.
Have you ever felt out of place in the church? You may think you have nothing to contribute when, in fact, you’re needed. Desperately.